Be as happy as you want to be

Most people have heard the song for Bobby Mcferrin: “don’t worry, be Happy. Only setting is relaxing and those simple words really hold to be happy. Concern stresses us and make us very un-happy.

Happiness is good for your health

Many studies suggest that happiness is good for your health. Concern give rise to tension and stress is a significant factor in many diseases, such as high blood pressure, heart attack or stroke. Some studies even point to the possibility that stress can cause cancer. Mental can cause stress, anxiety, depression, phobias, and other violations which make life miserable. You can avoid many of these diseases, such as positive and are Happy. “

Nothing lasts forever

No matter how miserable can be at any given time will always feel that way. This is so important to remember. Children or even adults many times, overreact to something they feel because they believe somehow these feelings are not to go. Nest time, you have something unpleasant tell yourself “This too shall pass.” Really understand that it is temporary. If you speak to yourself productively in these moments, you will be able to limit the time you suffer. Many times it is you who actually has the power to change your situation.

Sami accompanied by friendly people

Family and friends are essential for a healthy, happy life. Maintaining a happy relationship involves some work, but it always yield to all, a lot of happiness. Accept people as they are, and treat them and respectful, quiet. Do it yourself “fool proof” in other words, is not so quick to be affected by statements or actions of someone else. Problems, of course, but will do well to consider the matter with the person and the calm, reasonable and not to lose his temper.

Even if the person was seriously hurt on you can plan to resentments. Not forgiving become bitter. Try to see the status of what is.

To be Happy

Anyone who can be happy and therefore, healthier is as simple as deciding to be a happy man. This may seem strange at first, but to try it. Act, if you need. Soon, the Act will become more real.

Happy regards

There are certain attitudes, which can make us happy. Count our Blessings every day gives us the positive regard. Not only are positive with people we meet, respectful and courteous makes these people happy, it will have a similar effect on you.

Fun is

Laughter. Laugh everyday, and we expect something funny to laugh at find. Learn new joke, tell a funny story. Laughter may be the best medicine. “

Is positive and kind

Learn to express themselves positively to others, and they will most likely respond in kind. There are many ways to get rid of your frustrations, which will hurt others. They will be happy and you will be happy.

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Fast food effects on neurotransmitters causes Brain Addiction

The definition of addiction can be applied to many substances, including amphetamine, heroin, cocaine, nicotine, caffeine and. .. fast food. Scientific studies show that the fast food effects on the brain are similar to what is happening with drugs. The relationship is not quite as strong and social consequences are not nearly as bad, but the relationship is real for sure and have terrible consequences for our health and well-being.

Many of us can know a person who has begun to get physical warning signs from eating unhealthy, while increased weight and chronic fatigue. This person may have received some cautionary words from the doctor, but is still unable to log off, eat fast food. The person who can give a photo and then fails, maybe give a few more pictures and failure again and drop.

This person will most likely to complete its obesity with metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes. Never at any point, is that the same person may summon a large force of desire to eat fast food. This is because fast food effects include causes neurochemical addiction in the brain.

Fast food effects on the brain

Two things commonly found in fast food are sugar and wheat, two things that seem to be key players in cause of epidemic diseases of civilization. There are actually scientific studies which show how these foods cause changes in brain chemistry, including opioid Neurotransmitter receptors and dopamine.

When sugar is supplied with rats, their Brains in the neurochemical and behavioral changes that are similar to them consuming drugs. These changes explicitly in opioid and dopamine receptors in the area of the brain called the nucleus.

Another study in rats found that down regulate dopamine receptors is correlated with the development of obesity, and this is similar to what happens with homeostasis in heroin and cocaine addicts. Rats eat things like chocolate frosting and cheesecake.

Opioid peptides from gluten proteins in wheat form of digestive tract

Opioid peptides are short sequences of amino acids, which can pass through the blood-brain barrier and cause stimulation of opiate receptors in the brain. Substances, we know that you can do this and include heroin and morphine, together with natural peptides and endorphins that we automatically release after exercise.

There are some studies indicating that the Glutens in wheat may contribute to the development of schizophrenia and Autism in susceptible people, but it is known that gluten proteins may degenerate intestinal lining of the body. It is considered that these peptides may enter in the blood by this mechanism.

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Mental health-understanding Agoraphobia

The following article will give you a broad overview of Agoraphobia. This is a condition which is often hidden due to the fact that the persons concerned do not speak openly about it.

What is Agoraphobia?

Agoraphobia, the word is derived from the Greek word for “market” agora and phobia, constant fear. People suffering from Agoraphobia experience in fear of wide areas, open spaces, crowds or situations which cannot control and which can be difficult or embarrassing to get away. In severe cases, these people can stop leaving the House.

Agoraphobia should not be confused with, which is unusually agraphobia fear of sexual abuse.

Agoraphobia is part of the psychiatric.

The symptoms of Agoraphobia

As described above, people suffering from Agoraphobia experience great anxiety in certain situations involving open spaces, situations or crowds. Often it can be combined with the user attacks. Panic symptoms may include sweating, palpitations, nervousness, find it difficult to breath normally, nausea and strong feelings of fear or horror.

Differentiation from other phobias

If Fear is specific to social situations, this is called social phobia. If fear is specific to one and the same situation, such as lifts, it is called a specific phobia.

Where this comes from?

Although currently not yet known what the precise reasons for Agoraphobia, it was noticed that it has been linked with other anxiety disorders, such as an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) or post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Use of tranquilizer and sleeping pills are also associated with Agoraphobia-Check with your general practitioner-specific details.

Options for treatment

Cognitive behavioral therapy, special therapy (CBT), is found to have good consequences from exposure therapy or systematic reproduction. It is important that patients remain in the company of a friend, they can rely on in the situation while the anxiety is reduced, because if a friend to leave unexpectedly, the situation, causing a phobia anxiety may become worse.

Techniques for concessions are often found useful.

Drugs such as anti-depressants are most often proposed, similar to the treatment of other anxiety disorders, as they offer some anti-panic reactions.

It is important to notice and here that biological and behavioural treatment should be combined, as they have been shown to be most effective if in bond.

Note: If you’re concerned that with Agoraphobia deals you loved seek external support and have them checked out by a medical professional.

Want to know more? Look at my blog.

Natalie Himmelrich is the founder of the ‘ reach for the sky therapy “ of the Sydney Northern beaches and is specialized in” relationship “questions. She works with individuals and couples, using techniques ranging from advisory, title language programming for travel therapy. It supports clients in their personal growth in a supportive and professional environment.

Visit my site: visit my blog: sign up for our newsletter today.

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Irish walking sticks can reduce stress and other health problems have taken their Walk are you today?

Blackthorn walking sticks-useful for hiking and Walking enthusiasts

Irish blackthorn walking sticks, also known as shillelaghs are useful rods for camping, hiking and walking enthusiasts. They exercise less stressful, you can walk more challenging trails and roads for a long period of time with less effort. In fact, studies show that one of the best ways to combat stress itself is to outspoken and exercise. Needless to say, any activity, which allows you to focus on the beauty of nature cannot be anything too bad for you.

Communing with nature to get rid of stress

Signs of stress may include stiff neck, back pain or a migraine headache. In addition, fatigue often sets in and refused to leave, or, Alternatively, you may lose your temper more than what is considered acceptable. While some people seemingly bounce back from stressful, daily activities quite good, other not corrected as easily. In everyday Rush things for people to feel overwhelmed. No wonder, it is important to commune with nature and, that is, take a walk. Purchase of cane is a good way to galvanize in walking daily or at least, several times a week.

Hiking becomes more Enjoyable with the use of walking sticks Walking

Many people who have received or which are purchased Irish blackthorn, walking sticks are commented that already have been able to spend more than they, that is possible. This is because, as noted, Walking canes act as additional support. Therefore, it can cover far more ground than you could without the use of a walking aid. Tourists, such as the fact that they are able to ramble to the slopes and to keep track of the hilly, which would be too difficult to climb without a cane.

Wear a properly fitting shoes

You’ll want shoes that is lightweight, irrespective of the size of the terrain that you plan to cover. Convenience is key. Ultimately, it will do you little good to use a stick, if your shoes feel tight or distract from the business. Therefore, make sure that there is enough space for your fingers to the inch. Shoes should fit snugly yet still await.

Irish Blackthorn walking sticks are built to last

In addition to the rod will want to buy the right pair of walking or hiking shoes. While walking canes, as Irish blackthorn walking sticks and canes, are indefatigable, you will need to replace even good shoes for every 500 miles. You can keep track of your mileage in walking journal, or just to plan to replace the shoes after so many months.

Walk in comfort and style

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Managing panic attacks-you’re not alone

My experience

Driving user attacks are typical for sufferers of panic disorder. My first came from. In red light I started to feel woozy. I don’t know why, but I felt like I was trapped. All of a sudden I felt panicky. I was unable to escape. I begin to hyperventilate, of course, that leads to you feel light headed and then tingly cubits, which pretty much put me in full panic mode!

Finally, mercifully light turns to green and I went to the nearest parking lot where I took the Montenegro. After about 15 minutes I managed to a little bit. I was able to drive home, but I was terrified all the time. This one Ratchet led to my Agoraphobia and fear of management which will me over 6 months to heal.

When I got home I was upset, sad and angry with everything at the same time. I created new rules for the Administration to itself as the only driving at night, so that there will be fewer cars on the road, only stay in the right-hand Lane (so that I can pull in the shop, quickly) and new roads to my destinationsin order to avoid excessive quantity of stoplights. I also never leave the House without my trusty paper bag. These mechanisms for taking will further solidify my Agoraphobia and fear of driving.

Sounds completely ludicrous now, but those driving the user attacks almost ruined my life. If you are like me, you probably are too embarrassed to tell anyone or to get help. You’re not alone! I know how you feel. He went to therapists and psychiatrists, but could not help me at all. In fact, if you suffer from driving the user attacks, the last thing you want to do is drive therapy session. Bogu I stumbled upon a decision after months of frustration.

How can I avoid management panic attacks

Do you have that the management of user attacks? You must not suffer anymore. I’m having reported you, can be found freedom. The only way to prevent them is to heal yourself of panic disorder. I know that many people will like my answer, but this really is the only way. When will be Montenegro, or do another route, I just was putting band-aid of symptoms.

If you do not receive aid

If you never received assistance, I will not live life I do now. I should be burden with my wife. I lost my job. I shudder to think what my life will now if you never get cured. I Urge you to take care of itself. You can read my blog, where I start with my first panic attack to which I got cured.

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Apotemnophilia: would you remove one of your own limbs?

Apotemnophilia is a mental disorder where a person sustains a very strong urge to remove otherwise healthy limb. These people are generally sane and level headed irony but they consider that they are incomplete. Only after the removal of part of them, can they feel whole. Some people will feel that all limbs must be removed and others just want to get rid of the part. Often there are times the precise location where they want it removed. For some these urges are so strong they will intentionally mutilate the limb. This can be done in a very violent ways. Sufferers of Apotemnophilia frozen limbs in dry ice, fired rifles at them and implementing them by trains is even deliberately. These Apotemnophiles will go to such drastic measures, because very few doctors will amputate the limb healthy. Many surgeons feel it goes against their code of ethics to harm to a healthy body. These people often feel they have left no other choice than to take matters into their own hands.

It is thought that the damage to the right Parietal lobe is the reason for this rare disease, but there is no definitive reason. Apotemnophilia is also connected to sexual motivation. It is theorized that these people have sexual desire to become an amputee or have at least the appearance of one. Another source of Apotemnophilia is a distorted picture of the body, which is created at a very early age. The majority of sufferers claiming your suffering begins at the earliest, and deteriorated.

It was discovered recently that there is a closely related and similar disorder called body integrity identity disorder. This disease is essentially the same as Apotemnophilia, but without sexual motivation. The two are often confused, but in reality are different.

Unfortunately for sufferers of Apotemnophilia is rarely diagnosed disorder there while they attempt to remove the limb said. These people will spend years in a very deep depression because they are simply dissatisfied with themselves and their bodies. Psychotherapy shows little if any improvement that really only leaves, those people with two choices. They can live or have their entire life is very unhappy with yourself or find a way to get rid of the limb. It is very often for Apotemnophiles who have received their amputations to live a happy life, once they have removed the undesirable limbs. Even when questioned months or even years after, they still require, they made the correct choice.

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Everyone always looks better than I Am-why?

I make friends pretty easy and enjoy the company of other people, but while I admit it, never (nor I dream of this), there is one friend I have, male or female, of whom feel equal. I am that and that is exactly the way back to my early childhood to why it would.

I had a relatively happy childhood; certainly not had in no way at all. There is only one subject on which I can claim superiority, and this is English. Mathematics is passable, too, but when you had said that you lot! There is a boy in our class, well, because of its capabilities significantly higher in mathematics, he was moved to the sixth form. In addition, it is as pointless as the rest of us.

But when it comes to mathematics, it should be moved to Sixth and even there, so we heard it, he is right at the top. It is now, there is no way to be this lad equal. Is expected to be so would be ridiculous. But then I know for a fact that I’m better in English than it is, My term are better than him because they are my end of the term. It does not end there, either.

There are a number of other people, of which I am brilliant, but I can cram this in my head? There is no way. Not the slightest chance. Never feel as good or as capable as any other. And yet I know that I am. I’m not a good look, but this is not me. My Atletic abilities are questionable, but this also does not affect me. Stupid part is not that I’m not on a par with those other from a practical point of view. Simple is that I just cannot seem to foster home in my mind. This is the sense of; “Well, I’m so good, but I simply cannot understand it.”

To think that we are as good as each other on everything is pretty ridiculous, this is obvious. The worst thing is my own inferiority feeling. As I’ve indicated, there are certain subjects in which I am more than some people, but for some reason, I feel worse. Finally, I managed to get rid of these stupid feelings, and here’s one or two, hopefully helping you, yourself.

One of the ways to search for this problem is to say for themselves;

“Law. For whom I feel low? “

There is a good chance that the number of people will whiz through the head, but then have to ask yourself; “Why?” Yes, this chap may be able to run the mile in incredible, but when it comes to jump height, which is your area of expertise, it is hardly able to take off.

Ah, you say to yourself, but what about Pierce. Now there is no way I’m as good as he is, He is staggeringly design, he was head of Sixth form, Captain of the school–and only one year more that I am.

Now even that argument doesn’t work. It cannot be all things to all men and in addition you can bet the Bank he has his own demons.

Now you have a problem with your own, thinking about your inferiority complex, but someone else may not have such a condition, but I’m sure that he is another problem, with which to contend.

It is so important to build your self-confidence. Remember that nobody better than you in any way. We all excel, one of the other, in our own way. Excellent idea to visit the site, Mike bond, and exactly how hypnosis attraction there to learn and to read.

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Mike Bond - EzineArticles Expert Author
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Post traumatic stress disorder of emotional roller hubs driver

PTSD is atrocious. You never know when symptoms will creep up on you./ One day, things look OK and the next day you’re bombarded with memories that send you directly into anxiety and user attacks. Some days you just for your business and all of a sudden, you’re flooded with intrusive memories or flashbacks. This sets the tone for the rest of the day. You can see something smell something or hear something that reminds you of your trauma and become Dizzy and dissociated for several hours or for a longer period of time. Some people go to bed and stay there for days. This is too difficult. Some become angry and linking of all around them. Some people cry for hours. Your reaction to this symptom is a personal response that reflects your style of coping with the strain of the disease.

Some people have a nagging feeling that “something is wrong” or that they have forgotten something. Many times, feelings such as fear, anxiety and sadness come on you without a specific cause or trigger. Other times, you can’t feel anything and can’t decide whether this is something good or something bad. Emotional numbness is a large part of this disease and what happens when you’re in emotional overload at times.

As a full range of emotions and inexplicable not emotion all part of having PTSD, and this can be very uncomfortable and difficult to deal with. the bottom line is that fight, emotional ride is a roller wheel hubs by trying to stop the ocean with a cotton ball. Trauma you’ve encountered also traumatized emotional system, so that this can take some time to find a balance. You may wonder if you will ever heal from your experience at times. The answer is that you will heal, but this requires time, and for you to proactive about your treatment. Acceptance is the first step towards dealing with this symptom

When you find yourself become too emotional, take one minute to assess where these incidental emotions may be coming from. Can you determine the exact reason? Is this related to your work? Or you are experiencing the emotion, for which you have no explanation? Is your emotional reaction, appropriate or inappropriate for the situation? If this case, you probably as a symptom of PTSD. Sometimes these symptoms does not seem to make much sense to us, but it is how we deal with them that make all the difference in the process of healing.

There are some psychological techniques and tricks that help with having a wide and varied range of emotion and feeling numb and usually locked up inside. Ultimately, you must set up and you need time to heal from trauma physiologically. If you want to learn more about how to deal with the symptoms of PTSD, I wrote a book entitled “PTSD: what to do about this when you don’t know what to do about that.” This writing will give you specific steps you can take in the management of disorder and it is debilitating clinical condition symptoms. It is written for those suffering from this disease, those who are in connection with someone who has this disease and those who need information and solid plan of how to deal with the symptoms of PTSD.

My name is Erin Harrington. I hold BHSM and MS/p. For many years I worked in the field of mental health. In addition to having sufferer of PTSD, I wrote a book entitled “PTSD: what to do about this when you don’t know what to do about that.” This is partly autobiographical, mainly information resource that will assist each in healing and effectively dealing with aspects of this disease. My book can be obtained at

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What is suicide-is a Cry for peace-not death

“Joy of the heart is life to man; gladness gives him the length of days. “Sirach 30: 22. If cheerfulness gives pleasure, it may be the first line of approach or including in each therapy. Readers Digest for eons were touting laughter as the most medicine and if we are to believe in them, then let’s practice good humor in our daily life. Our world is almost too darned serious and while it has its place under certain circumstances, it is a curse for healthy living.

When one is suicide, humor is the furthest thing from ones mind, cutting off the head, in fact, it may be preferable. However this is not what we really want because our souls require life, but the mismanagement of our body creates confusion. For the separation of the person of body mind and spirit as separate entities is contrary productive. In this way for optimal health and responsiveness of therapy it is eligible for all countries to meet the person, not just the body.

Victims of mental health are not to blame for their illness/disease because it has many tributaries, which transferred to its current Metamorphosis. Ill health, whether physical or mental is the result of generations of poor health. What is the solution-conduct-eating correctly-moisturizing body – exercise and meditation?

Each major disease has the ability to deal with life when therapy proves ineffective, mental health is not different. Primitive misinterpretation of the call of the mind for peace entails the stigmas and loneliness, leading to a travesty of the loss of human life. Where are the good Samaritans when one needs them? Through false perceptions they are perceived to be found by death and suicide is committed, but it is preventable.

In order to prevent suicide or suicidal ideation more favourable approach then available in mainstream medicine is required, if not essential. Please evict chill and welcome or rather hug warmth and empathy because in order to overcome this trauma victim’s mind needs reassurance. A literal interpretation of the medical books can be fine and dandy to pass exams, but in the real world of life and death, authorize your spiritual essence to guide you to the most appropriate solution.

In the world, the perfect place for the banter of criticism, ridicule or even sarcasm, and this is not even up to the vagaries of the abuse. Under stress, the brain cannot function properly, and any harmful effects can be seen through the lens of a magnifying glass. Most people have for this and not realize what makes their behaviour of victims of mental ill health.

Dehydration causes the body to Mary under the emergency, but stressful and this has far-reaching implications for the stability.

Neurotransmitters are vital for optimal health, but if they do not receive their required daily allowances of amino acids, minerals and vitamins in physiological perfect strikes on the environment. In this way to compliment stability ensure proper diet with 9-core amino acids, vitamins and minerals in daily supplement with iodine as part of the mixture. Oily fish, flaxseed and shelled hemp and are excellent sources, providing many of the necessary nutrients for the body.

Suicide ideation is drastic, suicide even more so, in this way let us promote optimal health with proper nutrition, exercise, water, humor and meditation. Ill health is not absolute or something must become accustomed to having smart choice, because we can reduce the occurrence of serious maladies such as mental disability, high cholesterol, back pain, cancer, hypertension, allergies and the juvenile diabetes and so on and so forth.

May God bless your journey through this expedition to optimal health and may your God always. The inclusion of the Archangel Raphael and the angels of healing throughout his life, through meditation, you will receive a message to your spirit seeks peace with enthusiasm.

Tomá? Coimin hails from the Green coasts of Ireland and, while experience in many areas is interested in particular of those relating to improving self-esteem and good health. Offered daily activities) pray, meditate, b) c) drink lots of water, d) exercises, e) eat three good meals, f) and (g)) gratitude sleep well. for your free 15 day trial of the brilliant title and meditative software that will ring your Bell! more Neuro-programmer is the next generation of mind tool for self-improvement. I always ensure your e-mail address will be absolutely never be sold or given to any other source, because we respect privacy as a user. God bless.

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Tomas Coimin - EzineArticles Expert Author
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You may have ADHD daughter eating disorder?

Your daughter is doing better in school, is a better moods and already argues with you for their ADHD treatment. And still you notice that something strange. It does not seem to touch their food in the table for dinner and is the loss of weight quickly. Or notice that their eating more than usual without gaining a pound. His daughter, may have an eating disorder?

In 2007, researchers from Harvard Medical School found that girls are dealt with ADHD are three times more likely to develop major depression or have an eating disorder, compared with those without. One year later, experts from the University of California and the University of Virginia found evidence that teenage girls with ADHD are at high risk for bulimia nervosa-eating disorder, characterized by binge eating, which is followed by an attempt to get rid of the food by taking laxatives or vomiting. They also noticed that impulsivnost is the most prognozator for eating disorders, instead of inattention or hyperactivity is. ADHD girls without impulsivnost it seems not a higher risk for the development of bulimia.

The health problems associated with Anorexia or bulimia go beyond the loss of too much body weight. Bulimia nervosa may cause tooth decay, stomach ulcers, throat ulcers and irregular menstrual cycles. Frequent vomiting, participating in bulimia also causes a decrease in the levels of potassium, which regulate the heartbeat. Potassium serious deficiency can cause sudden death. Health consequences of Anorexia nervosa-is a condition characterized by hunger-are just so heavy. Since the authority receives a already enough calories to function normally, it automatically goes into starvation mode. Everything slows down to conserve energy and begins to consume itself for more nutrients. Since food deprivation continues and more body fat is shed, health problems continue to Pile.

Since eating disorder include behaviors and attitudes, you must have a team and complete treatment to help your child. Some specialists, you can turn to for assistance include nutritionists, dietitians, and mental health professionals. Support will make a big difference in the success of your child eating disorder treatment.

There is a lot you can do to prevent your child develop bulimia or Anorexia. Research of the University of California suggests that parents who are too critical, it is more likely to have daughters with eating disorders. Seeking ways to stimulate self-esteem and encourage your daughter to develop their talents and skills. It will help your child awareness and treatment of ADHD. Find the right natural treatment of impulsivnost and other symptoms of ADHD is often determined by trial and error process, but the girls, who have successfully treated for ADHD is less likely to these problems in adolescence and adulthood.

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